Fried cake

Torta-fritas - completed

Why is that rainy days makes us want to eat itFried cake, churros and fritters? We hope always to days like these to get to make these delicious fried masses. There are many ways to preparethe fried cake, today I leave you the recipe that I never-fail. They are ideal to accompany with mate, tea or coffee. I hope you enjoy!


  • 4 cups self-raising flour.
  • 2 tbsp oil.
  • 2 pinches salt.
  • Cant. required water.

Preparation of the fried cake:

  1. In a bowl, put the self-rising flour, If you got no can supersede it with yeast. Make a hole in the Middle.
  2. At the edges, put salt. And in the oil Center. Mix so that these ingredients are integrated.Tortas-fritas
  3. Slowly incorporate the water, e go kneading with hands. For convenience make it about the previously floured countertop.Masa-Torta - fried
  4. Once ready, cut into pieces and go stretching with a stick kneading. Make two cuts in the Center.Torta-fritas
  5. FRY in plenty of oil or fat.
  6. When golden brown on both sides, remove from heat to a paper towel so that it will absorb the surplus of fat. Take sugar and will be our listsFried cake to eat them.

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