Rice three delights

Rice three delights

This typical Chinese dish is very easy to and grateful because everyone I like. In addition, It has great versatility as the ingredients may vary the dish without losing their identity. For example, If we are going to make a second dish with seafood, We can replace the prawns with mushrooms or mushrooms.

Chinese comi9da
Rice 3 delights
People 1
Portions 1
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prep time
5 min
Cooking time
25 min
total time
30 min
prep time
5 min
Cooking time
25 min
total time
30 min
  • 75 GR. rice
  • 75 GR. mushrooms (or shrimp)
  • 25 GR. pea
  • a small carrot
  • a slice of cooked ham
  • 1 egg
  • olive oil
  • soy sauce.
  1. We put water to boil and, When break to a boil, pour a little salt, peas (If they can not) and the carrot whole peeled during 10 minutes.
  2. In a frying pan, we do a very thin pancake (should be as a crêpe) with a pinch of sugar.
  3. Cook rice during 10 or 15 minutes (It should go it testing since it has to be a tad hard) in salt water.
  4. Drain the rice and reserve.
  5. Sauté in a pan with a couple of tablespoons of oil during 3 minutes the prawns (or the mushroom), Add the rice, stir and sauté for a minute.
  6. Finally, Add the carrot cut into small cubes, the tortilla into strips, like the ham.
  7. To give you a more oriental touch we can add to the dish a bit of soy sauce.
  • For more people multiply ingredients.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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