Vol au vent

Vol au vent
Gourmet recipe
French cuisine
Snacks and tapas
Vol au vent
Portions 4
1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (Vote)
prep time
50 min
Cooking time
25 min
total time
1 hr 15 min
prep time
50 min
Cooking time
25 min
total time
1 hr 15 min
  • 600 g of frozen puff pastry
  • 2 egg yolks
  1. Let thaw the puff pastry 30-60 minutes at room temperature. So that it does not rise so much, Puff pastry is given special treatment. Cut the pieces of dough into 8-10 Strips. Join the strips kneading quickly and let stand some 15 minutes.
  2. Lining a bell-shaped fountain of 30 cm in diameter with a large piece of aluminum foil and fill with pieces of paper napkin or similar. Fold the aluminum foil over the filling and close it tightly.
  3. Remove this hemisphere from the source. Spread a third of the dough in the form of a circle of about 35 cm in diameter. Wet a baking tray with cold water, Put the dough circle on top and prick it several times with a fork so that bubbles do not come out when cooking.
  4. Place the aluminium foil hemisphere on the dough. Spread the rest of the dough in the form of a large circle of 2 mm thick. Spread the base circle around the foil with whipped yolk. Place the second circle of dough on the aluminum ball and tighten the edges of both circles of dough. Likewise, Join well the folds that form.
  5. With a wheel cutter or a sharp knife, Trim everything around. at a uniform distance, protruding remnants of dough; There should be a horizontal border of a few 5 cm. Make radial cuts along this edge at distances of 2 cm. Spread all the <
  6. Join the rest of the dough, Extend again, Cut into strips and cut pastries according to your own imagination or according to the proposals of the photograph. Also spread these ornaments with yolk and put them on the <
  7. Still tempered, Cut at the top a lid of a few 8 cm in diameter. Carefully remove paper filling and aluminum foil.
  • The <
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