Macaroni with sausage

Macaroni with sausage
One of the first recipes that all young people learn are the macaroni with sausage. Simple, Basic but very common.
I like both large and small, It is so recurrent in our homes. Today I present the best recipe of macaroni in the world (or so they say in my house!!!)
Processing time: 20 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
  • 350 grams of pasta
  • 1 Onion
  • Chorizo de leon in bar
  • oregano
  • tomato sauce
  • Salt
  • olive oil
  • grated emmental cheese
Put enough water in a pan to heat and wait until it boils. When you do add the macaroni.

Let Cook time indicated by the manufacturer. Eye, giving each brand a few times, Although they tend to oscillate between 8 and 10 minutes!. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking between them.

Time passed, remove from the fire and drain them. Without removing squeegee wash them well with water so that they lose their starch.

Chop the onion and poached in a pan with oil to a simmer. We take a tad of salt. When onions begin to be golden brown and semitransparent, add the pieces of chorizo and sauteed 2 minutes. Add Macaroni and stir well to make it permeate the flavors. Finally, add the tomato, the quantity according to taste, and a remotely oregano.

We serve dishes and sprinkle with grated cheese

And ready!!!

  • The pasta in Italy is taken to the date, in Spain it tend to like a little more cooked so you have to add a couple of minutes.
  • In the qualities will taste. A good sausage of people is always appreciated in this type of dishes. You can lend sweet or spicy chorizo, but always quality. The same goes for tomato, a tomato sauce of white mark bric is not the same, that one home.
  • The cheese is optional, but many varieties can be used. At home like Emmental but also three cheese blend.
  • If you want to give a touch of spice, take half Cayenne crushed fingers in the Pan before adding the pasta.

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