
Stevia, a natural substitute for sugar is good for health?


The Stevia plant

 Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni, It belongs to the family of the Asteraceae, the same as sunflower. Native to South America, low calorie sweet leaves can be used as a sugar substitute.
Grows in subtropical zones of the Paraguay. It is not resistant perennial Bush about 60 cm . The flowers are small discrete white.

Stevia was classified for the first time by Moses S. Bertoni. The discovered the plant in the North-East of Paraguay. For centuries, Stevia has been used by the indigenous population in the border region of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina,the Guarani, as a medicinal plant and to sweeten the mate (a family of Holly), and that is, under the name of the (sheet of honey) name of Caa-hee or Yerba dulce known.

According to what is known at the moment there are no known risks to the health of the leaves of stevia. In the European Union and North America has not so far officially permitted the sale. However in some countries approved since the World Health Organization has approved the sale as an additive in some products.

The permissible daily dose of Stevia extract (ADI = Acceptable Daily Intake) which is considered tolerable for the organism according to the World Health Organization and the world Organization of nutrition is:

0-4mg / per kg of weight which is quite low compared to other sweeteners.

Stevia in its natural form is 15 times more sweeter than table sugar (sucrose). And the summary is of 100 to 300 times sweeter than sugar.

stevia in sachet

Its importance in the treatment of Diabetes

Studies have shown its hypoglycemic properties, improves glucose tolerance. Does not affect blood sugar levels, on the other hand, and that is why it is recommended for diabetic patients.
Also for people who want to lose weight, not only because of this form will reduce your sugar intake but because reduces cravings or the need to be eating candy.

Properties of stevia

  • According to various studies on stevia is an antacid plant, antibacterial oral, anti-diabetic, cardiotonic, digestive, diuretic, sweetener, hypoglycemic, blood pressure lowering, improved metabolism of vasodilator.
  • It has beneficial effects on the absorption of fat and blood pressure.
  • Some studies indicate its antibiotic activity, especially against bacteria that attack the buccal Mucosae and fungi that cause vaginitis in women.
  • In Latin American countries, Stevia is used also for counteracts fatigue, It facilitates digestion and gastrointestinal functions, It regulates the levels of glucose in the blood, nourishes the liver, the pancreas and the spleen.
  • In external applications used to treat the skin with spots and grains (to this end, we find it in Europe). Also helps promote a feeling of well-being

You can dissolve the powder in water and then use drops or tablespoons or teaspoons.
It can be used in all, as in cereal, baked, cookies, soda biscuits, in the preparation of any food. Where it is necessary to replace the sugar.

Stevia is usually found in natural food stores health food stores in the form of summary (powder) or in its natural form.
How to use stevia, the best way is in liquid

It is difficult to find the exact amount to replace sugar, one must now try some people find it very sweet.

Then provide them a Mango ice cream recipe easy to make and that it has no sugar but that it is sweetened with stevia, so that people with diabetes can take it as well as people who want to lose weight. In this recipe you can see equivalencies

Mango ice cream
People 4
Portions 4
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prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
  • 2 great point handles
  • 1/2 TSP the of stevia or 7 integral brown sugar teaspoons
  • 100 CL water
  • 100 CL of cream without mounting
  • 1 lemon (your juice).
  1. Peel mangoes, cut them into cubes and put them in the jar ass'y. Add the lemon juice and blend. Add stevia or brown sugar, the cream, the water and continue mashing until a fine cream.
  2. Put the mango ice cream in the bowl of the ice-cream maker working one 1/2 time. Take out the ice cream and put it in a Lidded plastic container and store in the refrigerator freezer until ready to serve.
  3. If you don't have ice-cream maker, put the prepared ice cream directly into the plastic inside the freezer container and stir every 10 minutes so that the ice cream not cristalize.
  • You can also make this ice cream with peaches, papayas, custard apples, etc.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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