Spaghetti with vegetables

Spaghetti with vegetables
Portions 4
Pasta is an ideal dish for athletes, Since contain a level very high of protein and if over them accompanied with vegetables us help to retrieve it lost doing sport. It best of the pasta is that can accompany it with all those types of vegetables that want since are compatible and never left over. The pasta also you can combine can be: Macaroni, spirals, spaghetti....
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prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
  • - 300 Grams of spaghetti.
  • - 3 Carrots.
  • - 1 Zucchini.
  • - 1 Onion.
  • - 1 Green pepper.
  • - 2 Tablespoons soya sauce.
  • - Olive oil.
  • - Oregano.
  • - Salt.
  1. First step: Put to cook the spaghetti in a hoya with water, Add salt and oregano, Let Cook to the taste or what I put in the package. While we put to Sauté vegetables.
  2. Second step: Peel and wash the carrots, cut to poles and do the same with the zucchini but without Peel. Cut the onion and the pepper green in juliana.
  3. Take a frying pan and add a jet of oil and a time hot cast all the vegetables, seal by order of hardness, i.e. first the carrot followed from the onion, green pepper and Zucchini until they are ready.
  4. The goal is get the same grade of hard in all the vegetables.
  5. Third step: Remove and drain the spaghetti, a time done add the sauce of soy and all the vegetables. We can already serve.
  • I you have put some ingredients but can add you that more you like. As I already said the pasta it is combinable with all the vegetables that you want to. Now is the time to prepare it and enjoy a great healthy dish like this.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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