Dry beans kid

dry goat
Dry beans kid
Portions 4
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prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
  • - Half a kilo of soaked Canary beans give the night before
  • - A strip of pork cuerito, jowls or ham
  • - A medium onion, finely chopped
  • - A dry slaps mirasol pepper
  • - Two cloves of ground garlic
  • - A teaspoon of yellow aji
  • - Salt and pepper to taste
  • - Oil for frying
- For the dry.
  • - A shank or leg of kid (preference of the merino variety)
  • - A cup of chicha de jora and ¼ cup of vinegar
  • - Half a cup of ground coriander
  • - Half a cup of finely chopped onion
  • - Half a cup of celery chopped
  • - Loche pumpkin well chopped
  • - Half a cup of green Succotash
  • - One-quarter cup oil
  • - Four cloves of ground garlic
  • - One-quarter teaspoon black pepper
  • - A packet of chicken or beef seasoning
For beans
  1. We cook the beans with pig leather, until they are soft, remove the skin. Blending the beans with some water where boiled, to come out not very watery. In the same pot we prepare dressing, heat the oil, Add the onion, the garlic, the yellow pepper and salt.
  2. Then we add the cuerito of pork cut into strips or chunks Gill, then the newly slaps mirasol pepper, taking care to not break if it will not be very spicy.
For the dry goat
  1. Cut the meat into pieces and in a container deep let it macerate with the chicha de jora, salt and pepper for two hours. Place a pan on the heat and heat the oil, then FRY the onion, celery and garlic, Add the ground coriander, Chili, pepper and when everything is fried, add the sachet of seasoning, then pour the meat with its juices , the loche pumpkin and salt, Let Cook a few 15 minutes, correct the seasoning and cook until meat is tender.
  2. Serve accompanied with white rice, beans, Creole sauce and boiled Yucca.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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