What is the glaze? How is it done?


Theglaze It is a culinary technique widely used inpastry, It can be applied on any dessert, Although mainly used for coating cakes, cookies, rolls or muffins.

I mean, We are facing a culinary technique thatIt consists of coating food with a shiny substance, which in most cases tends to be sweet.

Although there are different and diverse variantsTypes of frosting, The most common is made with icing sugar and water or butter (baptized with the name ofSimple glaze), or there is a variety calledRoyal frosting, and that is made with a clear and a few drops of lemon.

We are facing a pastry and culinary technique that is at least delicious – as well as exquisite- consisting of coating certain desserts to give them a shiny appearance and a crunchy texture in most cases (as soon as the frosting dries at room temperature, or in the fridge).

For example, Frosting is the ingredient that brings to celebritiesClassic doughnuts The traditional shiny appearance. In addition, It is possible to mix it with different food dyes to give them a different color

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How to make frosting
Portions 4
The truth is that making frosting is really simple: You only need a few ingredients and a few steps that are not complicated at all. Maybe you can?
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prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
  • 50 g. butter
  • 125 g. sugar glaze
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • Optional: 2 drops of vanilla essence
  1. Melt butter lightly in the microwave (should be creamy).
  2. Add the icing sugar, Milk and vanilla essence, Beating well with the help of an electric mixer (A creamy paste should remain).
  3. Let stand for a few minutes until the frosting solidifies a little.
  4. Ready.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /


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