
Healing powers of oregano


In addition to being a seasoning oregano has healing powers.

The consumption of oregano will help cure diseases and symptoms in a healthy and natural way.

The healing powers of oregano are as follows:

1. Antioxidant. 

Oregano contains more antioxidants than many other herbs. Antioxidants help prevent the oxidation of molecules, favoring the emergence of cancer.

2. Antibiotic. 

The oregano due to their composition helps to eliminate the growth of bacteria and fungi infectious organisms. Its antibiotic effect helps to prevent diseases with high damage in the system.

3. Respiratory tract. 

Make an infusion with oregano and a little water will help the Airways to allow free access of air to the lungs.


A tea or infusion of oregano will help shrink your stomach, faster digestion and help to regain appetite.

5. Painful menstrual cramps. 

Oregano helps reduce menstrual cramps, It can be taken before or after the start of the period.

healing powers of oregano

Uses in the kitchen:

There are a variety of recipes that oregano gives a twist to your preparation.

– Potatoes with oregano
– Spaghetti with spices
– Italian lasagna
– Pizza

Tips on oregano:

Oregano can be found in different presentations: capsules, powder, oil and twigs.

In addition to being a seasoning oregano has healing powers.

The consumption of oregano will help cure diseases and symptoms in a healthy and natural way.


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