Baked potatoes

Baked potatoes

The recipe for making French fries without FRY "are made in the oven", since they resemble the classic French fries or French fries, but on this occasion will be cooked in the oven with a drizzle of Virgin olive oil that make them very friends of health.

I have tried to make these potatoes in different ways, with different cooking techniques, and we try to find the best way to make the end result is excellent.

OK here I leave with this delicious recipe for healthy food

A microwave oven is used to speed cooking, But if you don't have it you can use a traditional oven. The following instructions explain how to do it either way.

The trick is the corn flour , It adheres to the potatoes, making them crisp and very similar to potato chips.

This healthy recipe of potato contain very few calories, practically only such potatoes contain approximately 70 kcal per each 100 g + that add a little oil to seal the corn flour and cooking help, and calories of corn flour (I use small amounts).

Baked potatoes
People 2
Portions 4
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prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
total time
45 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
total time
45 min
  • 400g potatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of corn flour
  • 2 tablespoons of Virgin olive oil
  • smoked paprika (Optional)
  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into strips of 1 cm thick. Place them in a suitable for microwave and pour baking dish 1 tbsp Virgin olive oil, Stir to grease all the potatoes.
  2. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of corn flour and mix in order to adhere in all potato flour. Add salt to taste if desired, You can sprinkle with a little smoked paprika (Optional).
  3. Cooking with microwave: If you have a microwave oven you can cook for a few 10-15 minutes with the combined function (microwave for 300 Watts + Grill), and then about others 15 minutes only grill, It should be stirring occasionally. Check still cooking, the potatoes should cook and stay slightly crunchy.
  4. Cooking with convection oven: If you don't have a microwave oven, You can use an oven ventilated or convenccion, stirring occasionally, potatoes. In this case, the kitchen will be generally slower and will take some 40-45 minutes. Keep them always under control to avoid burning.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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