Homemade sweet bread for Christmas

There is nothing better than the bread sweet home. When prepare bread sweet you same can choose exactly the flavor and the quality of the ingredients, In addition the sweet bread is a great detail if you have guests.

We suggest that you always have some parts of bread sweet home in your House, You can have them in any basket decorated for your visits is feel free of take one. In addition, the sweet bread It can be an essential part of the snack or breakfast for children. This is the sweet bread recipe

Sweet bread recipe ingredients

  • 25 grams of fresh yeast
  • A spoonful of sugar
  • 50 ml. water
  • 1/3 Cup flour
  • ½ Cup flour
  • ½ cup sugar
  • Orange and lemon zest
  • 2 eggs
  • 75 GR. butter
  • Candy and caramel peanut

Preparation of the recipe of bread fresh


1. To make your bread fresh, First you must produce the ferment, putting together the sugar, water, the yeast and then,  Sprinkle with a bit of flour. Mix well and leaves that produce a foam in all the surface.

2. The next step of sweet bread is placing the scratches of lemon and orange, the flour and the sugar, eggs and yeast. Get a firm dough for sweet bread and then add the butter and continue mixing.


3. Cook your mixture Pan dulce by media, hour over medium heat.


4. It extends the massPan dulce on a table and there add candy, ground-nuts or dried fruits that you want to addthe sweet bread.


5. Back to mixing your dough fromsweet bread and then then separate the dough to form the amount of parts ofsweet bread want. Get balls to give form toyour sweet bread.

6. Put your pieces ofsweet bread to the oven until doubled its height. Remove them from the oven, paint them with egg and return them another half hour to 150 degree to which your sweet bread see golden brown.

7. Serves them buns and decorate them to finish with more chocolate or other detail that want.



That do you think of this recipe of bread fresh?? How is your favorite sweet bread?

Recipe easy of bread of sweet, prepare a delicious dessert to your family.

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