
Peach mousse

Peach mousse


Peach mousse
Portions 6
Although one of the most classic and traditional - mousses almost quintessential we could say- is the chocolate mousse, who can't resist is also a great and delicious variety of fruit mousse that we can easily make at home?. A good example is the popular peach mousse, Unlike the chocolate as a main ingredient, provides a flavor much more soft and delicate to this wonderful sparkling dessert. It is an ideal dessert for the hottest days of the summer. Do you decide to develop it?
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prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
total time
30 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
total time
30 min
  • 1 large can of peaches in syrup
  • 1 small can of condensed milk
  1. Open the can of peaches, drain the syrup.
  2. Put peaches in a bowl with the sweetened condensed milk and beat all together.
  3. We take eggs and separate the yolks from the whites.
  4. Three yolks add to the mix that we have done previously with peaches and condensed milk, and we beat everything together.
  5. Then take the egg whites and helping you rods, bring them to snow.
  6. Reached the point of snow, pour over the mixture and whisk slowly and gently to check that everything has mixed well.
  7. In individual drinks we are depositing the peach mousse and put it to cool in the fridge, least three hours.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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