Prawn cocktail

prawn cocktail
Norwegian cuisine
Prawn cocktail
People 2
Portions 4
Prawn cocktail is an easy dish, that hardly presents difficulties. Like almost all recipes, All it demands is a little imagination, both to add a new ingredient and when presenting it and serving it to the table.
1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (1 votes)
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
total time
10 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
total time
10 min
  • 1/2 kilo of cooked prawns
  • mayonnaise
  • a tablespoon of liquid cream
  • 4 o 5 fresh lettuce leaves, A tablespoon of ketchup
  • a couple of parsley leaves.
  1. Once we have the ingredients, We start preparing it. Mayonnaise, We can prepare it ourselves or, The easiest thing is to buy it made. To the mayonnaise we add the ketchup, parsley and cream and we start beating it, always moving in the same direction, So that this way we will avoid that the mayonnaise is cut. Once we have everything mixed, We will put some well-chopped lettuce in the bottom of the cocktail glasses. Then, Add some prawns and fill with the sauce we have prepared.
  2. If you prefer, We can also add a little avocado and pineapple, giving it a more exotic and tropical touch. Anyway, lends itself to inventiveness and imagination. We can choose to present it for some puff pastry tarts, that we will proceed to fill in the same way as the glasses.
  3. To decorate the dish when presenting it, All we have to be is a little creative. For example, A little sauce on the plate with a sprig of parsley; If we have chosen to use pineapple or avocado we can combine the previous decoration with these ingredients.
  • The shrimp cocktail is a very nutritious dish, that we can prepare in less than 10 minutes. Being a simple dish, Its cost is low. Now you just have to sit at the table and enjoy.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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