Rice with chicken

rice with chicken
Chinese cuisine
Rice with chicken
People 4
Portions 4
Arroz con pollo con un toque de profesionalidad y personalidad.
1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (2 votes)
prep time
25 min
Cooking time
20 min
total time
45 min
prep time
25 min
Cooking time
20 min
total time
45 min
  • A chopped chicken
  • A red pepper cut into strips
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Vegetable stock(celery,carrot,parsley,Turnip,Onion,garlic)
  • Tablespoon of paprika
  • Saffron (It can be replaced by dye)
  • 350 GRS. rice
  • A glass(small) olive oil
  • 2 ripe tomatoes (You can substitute tomato pot)
  • A liter of water
  • Salt
  • A PAELLA that can be replaced by a frying pan that has little background and that is large
  1. It gets to warm water where we'll Cook the chopped vegetables. Warming oil, and as it heats, Peel the garlic and pepper strips are made. When it is very hot,Brown garlic, without that burning,withdraw these and add the peppers are made them withdraw these and add chicken pieces, When they are golden, It is salted and add the tomato. Let Cook a few more minutes, Add paprika.
  2. Stray vegetables and add the broth of chicken, and let boil for 30 minutes approximately, adding water if necessary. Passed this time added the rice, Add the Saffron or colouring and tested salt. Add the peppers decorate the rice, and let it cook on moderate heat during 18 minutes,and watching that he doesn't lack water or that you on
  • If rice did not never, There is a small trick if we were short with water, and it is to separate heat water in a saucepan while the rice is done and if I did need to add 'always' hot water, 'never' cold because it would cut the cooking and rice encallaría. If it sticks a bit and begins to smell burning, se retira del fuego inmediatamente y se pone una servilleta mojada bajo la base de la paella y asi evitaremos que huela a quemado.
  • Cuando este terminada podremos observar que por encima quedan algunos granos sin terminar de cocer, that is why we should cover it (aluminum foil is worth) and let stand for 5 minutes and spend.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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