
Blueberries and lemon pudding


The bread pudding is a dessert very easy and so versatile as your imagination!.
This version is without syrup and in order to accompany it with ice cream. ;) Yumm-O!!
With ice cream life tastes better!

A way to rich to use old bread; a fun classic renew it is always perfect!.
Depending on the ' age ' of the bread, will be more or less firm. Can do it with bread beam, or even brioche (is divine). I so prefer soft and toasted by up.
This recipe is with French bread, fresh blueberries and ralladurita of lemon that gives a touch and an aroma exquisite.

Rattling of blueberries and lemon
People 4
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prep time
30 min
Cooking time
1 hr
total time
1 hr 30 min
prep time
30 min
Cooking time
1 hr
total time
1 hr 30 min
  • • 2 cups fresh blueberries
  • • 2 beams of French bread (the day before)
  • • 2 cups whole milk
  • • 2 cups of semi-skimmed milk
  • • 1 CDA. pure vanilla extract
  • • 1/2 TSP. almond extract
  • • 1 3/4 Cup white sugar
  • • Zest of 1 Persian lime
  • • 3 eggs more 1 egg yolk
  • • A pinch of sea salt
  • • The best vanilla ice cream you can buy ;) or whipped cream
  1. Preheat the oven to 180* C
  2. Grease with butter a pyrex 9 x 13.
  3. Cut the bread into cubes and place them in a bowl.
  4. In another bowl, Whisk the eggs, the bud extra, the milk whole, the skim, vanilla, the extract of almond, the zest of lemon, the pinch of salt and the sugar. Can use a beater electric or even by hand. Not have that beat great thing, only until the sugar has been dissolved.
  5. Add the cubes of bread and with a spatula move gently so all is an and the bread absorb all the mixes. Let it stand for a few 15 minutes. Add the blueberries, move carefully and pour in the pyrex. Take to the oven for a few 50 to 60 minutes until browned. The mine took just 55 min.
  6. Remove from the oven and let it cool some 30 minutes before cutting it.
  7. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream, or only sugar powder or whipped cream.
  8. If you prefer cold, Once it has cooled, cover it with paper of aluminum and carry it to your fridge.
  9. It is the same divine cold and you can prepare it the day before. ;)
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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