Roast chicken with grapes

Roast chicken with grapes
Roast chicken with grapes
Portions 4
Christmas chicken with grapes recipe is very successful for the Easter Vigil
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prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
  • 1 Roast chicken, around 4 to 5 pounds
  • 1 lemon, cut into thin slices
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 Onion, cut into eight wedges and peeled
  • 1 large seedless grapes bunch (approximately 3 cups total)
  • A few sprigs of fresh rosemary, thyme, Sage, and / or tarragon
  • 2 cups of white wine (You can substitute chicken broth)
  • Olive oil
  1. Let chicken stand at room temperature (70 ° F) for at least one hour so the temperature approaches ambient before grilling.
  2. 2 Preheat the oven to 450 ° F. Pat the chicken dry. Rub the inside and outside of chicken with olive oil. Sprinkle inside and out with salt and pepper. Delete roughly the value of a cup of grapes from their stems and cut in half. Insert the grapes into the cavity. Add a couple of wedges of onion in the cavity, along with a few sprigs of fresh herbs. It is not necessary to remove the Rosemary from her mother. Add a couple of slices of lemon in the cavity.
  3. 3 Cover the bottom of a pan to bake with onion slices and lemon slices. Place chicken in a roasting pan for roasting Grill, in the top of the lemon slices and onion, the breast to below. (Also can place the chicken directly in the Pan, that rests on the onion, in whose case the meat of the breast will cook to fire slow in them juices, instead of toasting.)
  4. Twigs place herbs and lemon slices between the wings and the body of the chicken. Organize the remaining grapes, pieces of lemon and herbs in the Pan.
  5. 4 Broil 450 ° F by 25 minutes. Then, spray with a glass of wine and reduce heat to 400 ° F. Cook by 30 more minutes and spray again with the second glass of wine. Cook for others 10 to 20 minutes (Depending on the size of the chicken) until the juices come out clear (not pink) When a tip of the blade is inserted into the thigh of chicken, or when the reading of the temperature from a thermometer of meat, deeply inserted into the thigh indicate 160 ° F.
  6. 5 Remove the roast from the oven and cover with aluminum foil. Let stand for 15 minutes. The internal temperature of the chicken will continue to rise.
  7. 6 Cut the goose. Turn over the chicken so it is breast side up on a cutting board. First of all separate the legs (leg and thigh) body. Then, cut the wings. Make a cut down the breastbone. Continue to reduce on one side of the sternum, cutting the chest away from the channel, following the curvature of the ribs and cut. Repeat on the other side. Cut the chicken breasts in cross to serve. Place the pieces in a bowl, surrounded by grapes and caramelized onions in roasting pan. Spoon from pan sauce over the chicken and serve.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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