Curried Chicken

Thai kitchen
Curry chicken - Thai recipe
People 2
Portions 4
1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (1 votes)
prep time
20 min
Cooking time
30 min
total time
50 min
prep time
20 min
Cooking time
30 min
total time
50 min
  • Ingredients (Pays 4 porciones)
  • 600 GR. chicken breast
  • 400 GR. of potatoes small or medium-sized
  • 400 ml. coconut milk
  • 200 ml. of broth of chicken (or medium cube of broth from chicken dissolved in a cup of water)
  • 125 GR. of Arverjas (half cup approximately)
  • 6 Onions Chinese
  • 8 Cocktail tomatoes or 2 large tomatoes
  • Juice of one lemon ( o 2 Depending on the degree of acidity that you prefer)
  • 4 Tablespoons chopped cilantro
  • 2 Tablespoons of Curry in pasta
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Cut the breast of chicken in strips thin, separate.
  2. Wash and peel potatoes, then cut each an in four parts equal.
  3. In a Wok or large frying pan, add the coconut milk with chicken broth and cook over medium heat until it begins to boil, Add the curry paste (or the cumin and the stick).
  4. To break to a boil add the broth chicken strips and potatoes, Cook to fire slow during some 15 minutes, until the potatoes are cooked.
  5. Meanwhile cut finely the onion china. When the potatoes are lists take to the frying pan: the onion china, the arverjas, tomatoes (Cocktails parties by the half, the major parties in 4) and the juice of lemon. Cook some 4 more minutes.
  6. Check the seasoning with salt and pepper. Finally sprinkle the chopped cilantro and serve. Can accompany it from rice white without salt.
  • If you want to cook this recipe without arverjas and onion china, can replace them by an Aubergine small. Cut the eggplant in cubes of 2 cm approximately. Cook the Eggplant along with the chicken and the potatoes in the milk of coconut. Then add as in the original recipe tomatoes and lemon juice.
  • (If you don't get the curry replace it with 1 tablespoon of cumin and another of stick). The curry in it not is a condiment, but a set of spices dried and pulverised as are: pepper, nail, cilantro, cumin, nutmeg, KION, cinnamon and turmeric (stick). The predominant ingredients are stick (of which gets its color) and the cumin (of where obtained much of the flavor). It is native to India, but is used in many countries Asian and European.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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