Diet of them 3 days to lose weight

Diet weight loss

The diet of 3 days consists in lose weight four kilos in those days, in the case of wanting to gain more harria which make it 2 times. I.e. to be three-day diet, stop four days, for rest, but not we should abuse and return do three days of diet.

The diet of 3 days not a single food should not be changed, Since this thought for lose weight almost 4 kilograms in three days with these foods. If have any it diet already do not serve, that is why it is very important to follow it step by step.

Those people that have many kilos of more, can go doing it during the time that they will see well, for so they can achieve their goal. But the people that do not have many kilos, can do it a time or even three times but not is very advisable to make it more. Because if we are 8 o 6 kilos below our ideal weight, If we take any disease, as flu, gastroenteritis, colds and things as well, will put at risk our health and to us same.

Diets of 3 days, as you will have to be

As well, as we have already said above the diet consist of certain foods that we must not change, Besides that we have to start meals in 3, breakfast, lunch and dinner.


  • BREAKFAST: black coffee or tea, and to accompany, a slice of bread toasted with cheese philadelphia light.
  • FOOD: 2 slices of any meat (85 grams), 1 Cup of beans or scores Green, 1 Cup of beet. And for dessert: 1 Apple and 1 Cup of ice cream of vanilla.
  • DINNER: Half cup of tuna in water, 1 slices of toasted bread.


  • BREAKFAST: 1 egg cooked, half banana, 1 slice of bread toast with coffee or tea.
  • FOOD: 2 sausages cooked, 1 Cup of broccoli, half a cup of carrots, half banana and half a cup of vanilla ice cream.
  • DINNER: half a cup of fresh cheese and crackers.


  • BREAKFAST: five Saltine crackers, 1 Cup cheese, cheedar, an Apple and coffee or tea.
  • FOOD: half a cup of tuna in water, 1 Cup of beet, 1 Cup of cauliflower, a slice of melon and a cup of vanilla ice cream.
  • DINNER: 1 egg stew and a slice of toasted bread.

You will see how in less than a week you've thinned out 4 minimum kilos with the diet of 3 days. Also you can make something of exercise for burning more quickly them calories, but not much, Since this diet does not contain many calories, and it is easy to burn all these foods. Also remember that they are 3 days of diet and 4 days of relaxation and again 3 days of diets, This is in the case want to lose more weight, If not to make once is enough.

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