
Melon cocktail

Melon cocktail
Drinks and milkshakes
Melon cocktail
Portions 4
1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (1 votes)
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
  • · A large melon or two small melons.
  • · A bottle of champagne, who likes.
  1. Cut the melon with a sharp knife horizontally. Remove all the seeds and remove melon balls, You can more. There is a tool with which the noisette potatoes are made, ideal to make the balls. If you don't do it with a small spoon, the balls will not be perfect but can serve very well.
  2. Put the melon balls in a bowl with the champagne and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour to cool and absorb the flavor of the champagne.
  3. Distribute the melon in the canopy, also pour the champagne and serve them with spikes and trays. Can you give the presentation that you like most.
  • It is a light and refreshing Starter, very suitable for a summer dinner. Another classic Starter within this same line is the melon with port wine. Prepares same as above, substituting this wine champagne.
  • Remember to always serve very fresh, It is an ideal place to enjoy on the beach cocktail, on a warm afternoon or on any appropriate occasion.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

2 reviews
  1. Maria de Alvear Colino It says:

    Hello, Thank you for this recipe so summer! Summer is the best time to try all kinds of smoothies and cocktails of fruits and vegetables because you always want something fresh and light. Whether for domestic consumption or for larger groups, There are a million options… We'd like to propose some options for non-alcoholic beverages if you're interested in reading!

  2. Maria de Alvear Colino It says:

    Hello, Thank you for this recipe so summer! Summer is the best time to try all kinds of smoothies and cocktails of fruits and vegetables because you always want something fresh and light. Whether for domestic consumption or for larger groups, There are a million options… We'd like to propose some options for non-alcoholic beverages if you're interested in reading!


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