[INDEX] Offal

The offal is also known with any of the following names: brozas, offal, visors o giblets.

The word offal comes from araucano offal, which means, What does pulls.

  • They are treated with special care.
  • Treatment appropriate in cleaning, preparation and cooking, they guarantee a better texture and flavor.
  • Most of the visors are economical and efficient.
  • Often left side to ignore their treatment.
  • As fresh as possible must be purchased, cool down and be consumed in a short time since they break down easily.
  • They are usually very fibrous, so you should avoid freezing and regeneration.

You should choose plump, even color, without deep cuts. You don't want milling them, because consistency is altered.

1. leave to soak with water cold acidulated (water with vinegar or lemon) for approximately 2 hours, for the purpose of cleaning it.
2. wash thoroughly, place in a saucepan with cold water and heat until boil, Remove and drain.
3. Immerse in a fund or stock short and over heat until boil, lower the temperature and to maintain mijoter for approximately 90 minutes (Click the language, When the juices are transparent and their tender fibers extinguish the fire). Once cooked let warm on its own fund or cooking broth.
4. removed and a longitudinal surface cut on your skin, without damaging the meat. Carefully Peel.
5. Let cool and cut or filleting bias, from the tip to the wider end, where a series of nerves and cartilages, Whereas clean anes cuts.
6. We can serve it in classic preparations (vinegar, Milanese, with cold or hot sauces), also Braised or in stews.


It is one of the most nutritious offal and does not need precocciones

Treatment of the liver
1. should be washed with cold water and remove duct, fibers and membranes covering it.
2. We can fillet in schnitzels, then stir-fry, grids or stewing. If they are young or lamb livers, Marinate with herbs, Spice then wrapped in crepinette (or aluminum foil) and roast on grill or in oven.
3. avoid excess cooking, so it is not dry.

cow heart


Treatment of the heart
1. clean membranes and Central tendon.
2. soak in milk or water frozen for a period of 4 hours, to bleed and tiernizar.
3. the hearts of smaller animals, as lamb or pork are more tender, so you can whiten them, fill them, wrap them in bacon and roast them.

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