3 enchiladas red delicious recipes

Red Enchiladas

The name of this recipe comes given by the color of the sauce that them bathes since one of its main ingredients is the tomato.

Them 2 major variants of this dish are the stuffed chicken and the stuffed with cheese, both are in common elements as the omelette and the sauce, However they differ in filling, already depend on you choose which Cook according to your particular tastes; in every region of Mexico and even in every Mexican home you will find a slightly different way of cooking this delicious dish, the recipe that I introduced to you is one of those many ways of preparing them, I assure you they liked you much, are truly delicious.


Chilean cuisine
Snacks and tapas
Red Enchiladas
People 4
Portions 4
I hope you enjoy many cooking and tasting these exquisite recipes of Red enchiladas, one of the delights that Mexican cuisine has to offer; the main and also common element for both the chicken and the cheese is the sauce, which you will learn to prepare then.
1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (1 votes)
prep time
10 min
Cooking time
10 min
total time
20 min
prep time
10 min
Cooking time
10 min
total time
20 min
Ingredients for the sauce for enchiladas rojas
  • Chiles (I use 5 guajillo peppers, 1 width and 1 of tree, but you can use your favorite)
  • 1 Clove of garlic
  • 3 Grains of pepper black whole
  • 1 Pinch of thyme
  • 1 pinch of oregano
  • 1 Tablespoon of chicken broth
  • 2 Large tomatoes
  1. Blend the chiles without stem or seeds along with the tomato, oregano, thyme, pepper, chicken soup and garlic
  2. Add enough water to make the sauce consistent, blending & book.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /
Chilean cuisine
Snacks and tapas
Enchiladas rojas of chicken
Portions 4
This is a very substantial and extremely tasty Recipe chicken is a meat that tends to absorb pretty well the aroma and flavor of the seasonings with which it comes in contact, Therefore, in this case in which the sauce is the key element of preparation of chicken for filling employment comes to us from Pearl.
1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (1 votes)
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
  • Ingredients:
    • 1 Breast of chicken cooked and shredded
    • Tortillas (which require)
    • Oil for frying
    • Sauce for enchiladas
  1. Step 1: Wet tortillas in sauce and FRY without Browning them (approximately 1 min on each side) since if you do, you could make it difficult to coil then and you could even break them in the process.
  2. Step 2: Place the tortillas in an oven dish, the number of tortillas by time will depend of the size of the container and the oven with that account, fill them with the chicken shredded, wrap them, place them by over the cheese Mozarella and part of the sauce reserved and Bake until Gratin .
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /
Chilean cuisine
Snacks and tapas
Red cheese Enchiladas
Portions 4
Prepare them stuffed with cheese is even more simple and obviously won't have to cook it previously as is the case with chicken.
1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (1 votes)
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
prep time
15 min
Cooking time
0 min
    • 500 GR of grated mozzarella cheese
    • Cream to serve
    • Tortillas (which require)
    • Oil for frying
    • Enchiladas sauce
  1. Step 1: Wet tortillas in sauce and FRY without Browning them since otherwise you tostarían and would become brittle making it difficult to wind them then.
  2. Step 2: Place the tortillas in a suitable container to bake, fill them with cheese, wrap them, lay them over more cheese and part of the reserved sauce and Bake until Gratin; You must be careful since the mozzarella melts quickly.
Recipes easy to https://recetasdecocinafaciles.NET /

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