Grec rostit de xai amb les patates

If you want to cook a simple feast that will impress your family and friends then try this recipe for Greek Lamb with Smashed Potatoes.

Greek Roast Lamb

Preheat oven to 160°C.
Lightly score the meat.
Rub crushed garlic, oregà, lemon into the meat.
Season with salt and pepper.
Tightly wrap the meat up in aluminium foil.
Cook for 4 hours (time is dependant on size of lamb – if cooking a mini roast 2 hours will probably suffice).
Punta: You want the meat to fall off the bone when carving. So, even though the smell will make you salivate and impatient (or is that just me?) ensure you keep it cooking for the required time).

Smashed Potatoes with Roast Garlic

Cover the bottom of a baking tray with olive oil.
Put in oven for 30 minutes.
Put whole potatoes (including skin) in a saucepan of water and bring to boil.
Boil for 30 minutes (if using large potatoes this may need to be increased).
After 30 minutes, take tray out of oven and roll each potato in the oil
Using a potato masher, squish the potatoes and spoon oil on each potato.
Sprinkle fresh rosemary and crushed garlic on the top of the smashed potato.
Add whole garlic cloves to the tray.
Bake in the oil filled tray until crispy (approximately an hour).
Punta: check on the potatoes every 15 minutes and keep spooning the oil from the bottom of the tray on top of each potato for a crispier skin.


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